I’m Eric Bingham, the founder and Principal of Pamet Advisors LLC, a Massachusetts based Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), where I assist people with their investments and important financial planning decisions. I have had an interest in investing and personal finance issues for many years and I started Pamet Advisors in January 2016 to fulfill a long time goal of helping others in these areas.
Prior to starting Pamet Advisors I spent over 25 years in media and technology companies starting at Home Box Office (HBO) where I helped launch new international versions of HBO, including HBO Asia, and then in 1995 as part of News Corporation’s first Internet business. Starting in 1996 I focused on early stage Internet companies in both financial/operating roles and as an angel investor. I was a member of the founding team at About.com (now part of IAC) and have been a senior executive (Undertone, eXelate, uKnow, Overpeer) and investor (JW Player, uKnow). These experiences provided tremendous insight into the challenges of growing revenues and profits – which has greatly aided my ability to assess potential investments. Warren Buffet has that being a business person made him a better investor, and vice versa. I agree.
Before joining the business world, I served for over five years as a Marine Corps Officer, having completed the Platoon Leaders Class while in college. I earned my Naval Aviator’s wings upon completion of Naval Flight School in Pensacola, FL and flew the recently retired CH-46 Sea Knight in Hawaii, Okinawa and throughout Asia, while aboard ship. That experience was invaluable in forming my approach to investing: anticipating change, managing risk and finally maintaining perspective while making decisions under suddenly adverse conditions.
I graduated from Allegheny College with a BA in History and earned an MBA from Boston University after leaving the USMC. I have also earned a Certificate in Financial Planning from New York University as part of my on-going work to earn the Certified Financial Planner designation. Finally, as part of creating Pamet Advisors as an RIA, I passed the Series 65 – Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination administered by FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
Pamet Advisors is named after the Pamet, both a harbor and tidal river in Truro, on Cape Cod, where my family has ties dating back to the 1940’s. Pamet Harbor provides shelter from the wind and waves of Cape Cod Bay and the Pamet River rises and falls with each tide. Both provide apt metaphors for aspects of the financial markets; volatility and cycles that need to be understood and managed to ensure long term success.